Ayna Burir Adar Residence

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Summery The building is in a modest residential neighborhood in the Natore district of Rajshahi Division located in northern Bangladesh. The 2.7 katha (185 square meters) property has a frontage that offers beautiful views of nature and looks out over Kanaikhali field toward the west. Its northern boundary is shared with Ansar Camp. This Kanaikhali field was a deep jungle many years ago, where people were afraid to live due to the danger posed by wild animals. An old woman named Ayna built her own shelter and lit her lamp, allowing her to dwell there without fear. This served as the inspiration for the building's name, “Ayna Burir Adar” (which means, Jungle of the old woman Ayna). The family consists of a couple, their children, and their elderly mother.
Total Area 39 sqft
Balconies 25 m2
Garages 90
Bedrooms 42
Bathrooms 79
Address Haider Tower, House No. – 668,, 1349, Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Estimated Price

RUB 540





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The client was clear that they wanted to have unrestricted access to the grounds as they were rebuilding their home to resemble the previous one that had been here before. It has 6 bedrooms with attached washrooms, balconies, living space, family living, dining space, kitchen, storeroom, study room, and terraces. There is a cluster of existing bamboo trees situated next to the stairs that follow the three-story building, providing a chance to bring nature inside the structure.




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Ayna Burir Adar Residence / Sharal Architects - Interior Photography, Brick, Windows, Facade, Courtyard


The architects were inspired by the lush surroundings of the site to select a color and texture palette that would draw attention to the building without overpowering the serene environment. Building components like concrete, exposed brick, wood, glass, and MS bar are used in the construction of the building. An element that both the built environment and nature share, "Brick," was chosen to portray this interacting link. "Concrete," in its raw state, was then used to consolidate it. A natural sense of being immersed in the comforting earth is created by the color and texture of the building.


Ayna Burir Adar Residence / Sharal Architects - Interior Photography, Stairs, Brick, Handrail

In order to create two linear living spaces that are east-west aligned and to allow natural light and ventilation to circulate throughout the interior spaces, the building's basic mass is reduced. This leaves an open space in the center which acts as a central courtyard. Balconies and circulation pathways within the open space provide direct access to the courtyard, which itself offers a connection to the exterior. The visual connectivity of the entire building is enhanced by this courtyard.





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A significant stairway has been added near the existing clustered bamboo tree to connect the building at different levels. Additionally, stairs and all other features are placed around the courtyard to allow for natural light and ventilation to enter all interior spaces. The interior layout of the spaces was designed to represent an approach to combining habitat and nature. By eliminating mass from the second level, terrace gardens are formed, along with greater visual linkages and sunlight accessibility. The temperature inside the bedroom is controlled by 12-inch-thick walls and small windows on the west side.


Ayna Burir Adar Residence / Sharal Architects - Exterior Photography, Windows, Facade


Large windows also provide cross ventilation for each compartment on the opposing sides. The structure gains a new dimension with the addition of design features like brick-jali, pointing brick walls, spiral stairs, and a pergola. Through the thoughtful use of color, texture, voids, workmanship, the terrain, and the movement of light and shadow, this project aimed to maintain a connection with the climate, light, and nature in order to enhance visual and tactile interaction with its surroundings.


Ayna Burir Adar Residence / Sharal Architects - Exterior Photography, Windows, Facade

Quite desirable

Medge Collins
1 week ago
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